Are you speaking your truth or are you just projecting?
Last week in my conscious communication and connection group, a participant expressed care and curiosity about another participant. In response to this expression of care and curiosity, the participant receiving the comment responded with, “I don’t believe him.” After...3 Reasons Why You Suffer and How to Heal those Painful Patterns
I’ve been fascinated by personal growth my entire life. Having been raised in a family of healers, I’ve been immersed in healing for as long as I can remember. I did breathwork when I was 5, started practicing transcendental meditation when I was 6, did a...Is your relationship a reflection of your wholeness or your attachment wounds?
Sometimes, relationships seem hard. The challenge of negotiating different personas, different desires, different opinions, and different communication styles can be overwhelming. Navigating a relationship with conscious awareness means that we are able to...Three steps to connecting with people who are difficult to connect with.
It happens all the time: Your child tells you to go away. Your friend wants space. Your in-laws are closed off to deep conversation. Your spouse gets triggered and pulls away. How can we connect with those who don’t want connection? 1.) Get curious about your...Page 1 of 8