Preventing Burnout

Working with Subtle Energy:

Learning to attune to the subtle offers us a bridge between the ordinary and the transcendent.

Personality Disorders and Spiritual Alignment

Listen to your own subtle energy

21 Day Online Meditation Journey

Receive resources to meet life from your most Awake, Resourced Self



Meditation for Anxiety

In this short practice, you will be guided to be with your anxiety in such a way that you discover compassion, love, and reverence for the way life expresses through you.

Aligned Energy

In this short practice, you will be guided to align with your Source of energy. Allowing your vital force to flow through you with ease, you access your connection with the unlimited Source of energy.

Energetic Boundaries

In this short practice, you will be guided to clear old emotional energy pollution, release energy that does not belong to you, and set clear energetic boundaries–which is the point of contact between you and the environment.

Activate Your Alignment

In this short practice, you will be guided to activate your alignment. Allowing life to flow through you, your alignment will support you in honoring your own rhythm, wisdom, and intuition.

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