Harmony Kwiker, MA, LPC, ACS

Born into a family of healers, I started the practice of transcendental meditation at age 6. During this time, I glimpsed her future knew that I was here to be a healer, a teacher, and an author. Although gifted with intuitive clairsenses, I slipped into patterns of conditioning and forgot the truth of who I was. Seeking support in traditional clinical settings was sorely dissapointing for me, for I knew the power of transpersonal practices and healings that my parents offered their clients. 

Wanting to find a way to bridge the progressive healing techniques of my parents with traditional psychology, I chose a graduate program with a strong foundation in social justice and a more holistic lens of clinical psychology. Now a psychotherapist, author, and visiting instructor at Naropa University, I teach mindfulness-based transpersonal gestalt counseling. I am also the founder of the Institute for Spiritual Alignment where I train therapists to bridge the divide between traditional and spiritual transformation. 

In my first book, Reveal: Embody the True Self Beyond Trauma and Conditioning, I vulnerably share my story of transformation while simultaneously empowering readers to discover their truest selves. My second book, Align: Living and Loving from the True Self is a self-help book teaching gestalt principles and is published by Mantra Books. My third book is currently in publication with Routledge, and is a practical guide to practicing the art of transpersonal gestalt therapy.


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