Mar 5, 2017 | motherhood, relationships, videos
In my very first video blog, I offer you tips to stay connected in your relationship before and after you bring your baby home. Becoming new parents can be stressful. When we’re not feeling resilient in a stressful situation, communication can become about control,...
Jan 16, 2017 | motherhood, relationships
Weather this is your first baby or your fourth, each time you bring a new life into your family your heart and your love grow. Even though this is the most beautiful and transformative experience, it also extremely stressful. Because I love to see families thrive, I...
May 4, 2016 | awakening, consciousness, motherhood, spirituality
This is my 8th Mother’s Day without my mom, and my 7th Mother’s Day as a mom. Here are 8 things I’ve learned in the past 7 years: 1.) When a woman births a child, she is transformed in unimaginable ways. She will never be the same, nor would she...
Mar 18, 2016 | motherhood, relationships
When I teach “A Conscious Marriage” and work with couples, the thing I hear most frequently about the lack of connection with one’s partner is that there isn’t enough time. The kids, work, household responsibilities, and social commitments all take up so much space...
Mar 1, 2016 | motherhood, spirituality
The word “guru” simply means “spiritual teacher.” When we are paying attention and staying centered, our children are teaching us all day long. And when we look even deeper with an elevated awareness, we can see how our children are teaching us to wake up to who we...