Apr 27, 2016 | relationships
1.) Expecting your partner to know what you need: in relationship, we often expect our partner to be a mind reader. We want our partner to know how to care for us, touch us, and speak to us without having to ask for it. Then, we resent him or her when he/she fails to...
Apr 6, 2016 | consciousness, relationships
When you first start dating online, it can feel like work. Clarity and intuition are imperative to making online dating an empowering and rewarding process. Here are 6 ways to consciously date online and cultivate true intimacy. Know who you want to be with—Before you...
Mar 18, 2016 | motherhood, relationships
When I teach “A Conscious Marriage” and work with couples, the thing I hear most frequently about the lack of connection with one’s partner is that there isn’t enough time. The kids, work, household responsibilities, and social commitments all take up so much space...