
Spread Magic. Take a Leap.

For far too long, I forgot that I was magical. I forgot that the essence of my make up was pure, sparkling creative energy that could heal the oldest wounds and reach the depths of intimacy. I thought that the habitual thoughts, impulses, and behaviors of my conditioned self were the extent of who I was. In being identified with the part of myself that was shaped by experiences I had early in life, I lived as if I was who the world told me I was.

How to Lose Weight without Breaking a Sweat

I struggled with my weight for years. My childhood was characterized by yo-yo dieting and binge eating. And when I first lost weight (over 50 lbs) I starved myself and over-exercised in an attempt to garner some control over my body. Nothing I...

How to Heal your Anxiety without Medication

All people experience some degree of anxiety. Like all mental illness, anxiety rests in a continuum from functional to dysfunctional. When the experience of anxiety begins to consume your mind and experience of life, your anxiety is severe and...

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